At West Street Dental Practice, we offer emergency appointments to our patients in distress usually within 24 hours or on the same day where possible. If you are experiencing toothache, swollen face, broken tooth or filling, crown or bridge came off, bleeding or pain after an extraction, broken denture, wisdom tooth is sore or other essential needs and wish to be seen urgently please call 01348 873370 or 0737 737 6699 within our opening time. Even if you have never been to our practice before, and are looking for emergency dental care, we will do our best to help.
If you are Practice Plan patient that needs urgent treatment outside of the opening hours, please phone the practice and follow the instructions on the answerphone where is provided number of contact for on-call dentist in the area or if you are receiving NHS services then call NHS direct on 111. If you are private patient, you could use same on-call dentist in the area for emergency services, please note that a call out charge will be made.
If You Member of our Practice Plan who has a dental emergency when away from home (outside 25 miles radius from practice), please have 24-hour access to a worldwide emergency helpline +44 3333580477. Alternatively for Insurance claims for Global Dental Scheme please call 03333580499 or just download required form from our Claim Forms page. For other inquiries about Patient Plan you could call 01206 788816 or email to clientservice@patientplandirect.co.uk